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  • To maintain links with all relative agencies in the areas of marine conservation, planning and legislation such as Scottish Government, SEPA, Marine Scotland and SNH.

  • To actively campaign to protect sea anglers interests when potential threats to those interests arise.

Current Live Activities


The SFSA are active members of the Clyde Marine Planning Partnership with the aim of forming a Clyde Regional Marine Plan which can benefit sea anglers. 

THE SFSA are actively supportive of the research being undertaken by Harris Development Limited, Kilda Cruises and Marine Scotland in their research to understand the populations of Blue Fin Tuna in Scotland, with the potential for a recreational fishery in the future.

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The Sea Angling Diary Project is for UK sea anglers to help improve the sustainable management of marine stocks and demonstrate the value of sea angling and has being set up by the UK government. The SFSA are actively supporting this initiative.

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