Scottish Federation of Sea Anglers
To increase participation in the sport.
To protect the interests of the recreational sea angler in Scotland.
To deliver a structured coaching and development programme for the benefit of members and clubs and maintain appropriate policies governing the sport in areas like anti-doping, equality, child protection etc.
To offer support and guidance to clubs in such areas as formation, development and compliance.
To maintain links with the Scottish Federation of Coarse Anglers and the Scottish Angling National Association through the Angling Scotland Limited to develop and promote the sport of angling in general.
Policies & Procedures
Current Live Activities
The SFSA as one of the three member organisations which guide and manage Angling Scotland Limited (ASL). ASL is the umbrella organisation for all angling in Scotland and which directly corresponds with Scottish Government & SportsScotland on behalf of its member organisations.
THE SFSA are actively supportng the Angling Development Board of Scotland to improve and provide angling coaches in Scotland.The SFSA currently has 11 UKCC Qualified S.F.S.A. Coaching Staff and are always happy to support and fund further coaches through their qiualifications.
The Sea Angling Diary Project is for UK sea anglers to help improve the sustainable management of marine stocks and demonstrate the value of sea angling and has being set up by the UK government. The SFSA are actively supporting this initiative.